Monday, June 30, 2008

JOURNEY from the Vault.....

I was on my way home from work Friday, and heard "Lights" on the radio, and thought...hmmmm...haven't heard THAT in awhile. So I get home, and pull out the Journey cds. (I have a large CD collection, and anytime I pull something from my 'generation' from it, my oldest daughter says "Oh Lord, mom's in the vault again".) Spent ALL day listening. I kid you not. Steve got quite the work out let me tell you. I even spent 3 hours by the pool surrounded by the crooning of all my favorites. Man, those were the days weren't they?

Teenaged with no bills, no worries, no responsibilities aside from homework and feeding the dog/cat.

I remember when I first 'met' Journey. It was around 1980-1981 was about 10-11 years old, and my uncle Mike had a record collection to put my cd one to shame. I am talkin hundreds of albums. I came from a girly house living with my mom listening to Andy Gibb and watchin Solid Gold for crying out loud. My soul was screaming for something, and Mike turned me onto the drug of my youth: rock and roll. That summer, I Journeyed, got Kissed, and learned that Deep Purple was NOT a color. I was in guitar heaven.

Journey was my first love, and Steve my first crush. My favorite has always been 'Anyway You Want It', and I still sing it as loud as I did when I was younger.

So Steve, don't worry about growing older darlin. You are like a fine only get better with age. You are still the sexiest man I never met.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Housing Official's Bumper Sticker Draws Ire

CECIL COUNTY, Md. -- A Maryland housing official is coming under fire for a bumper sticker that takes a derogatory shot at poor families.

Dave Mahanney, who runs Cecil County's Housing Authority, has a bumper sticker on his car that reads "Can't Feed 'Em? Don't Breed 'Em."

"He's the director, driving around with this bumper sticker saying if you can't feed them, don't breed them?" said Niakkia Battle, a mother of five. "Am I supposed to be sorry that I had my children? I love my children." NO. BUT GET A JOB AND STOP EXPECTING US TO PAY FOR YOUR KIDS UP BRINGING.

Battle told 11 News she will be evicted from Housing and Urban Development's Section 8 program. She has a friend babysit her kids when she's in her nursing class.

"Because of an assumption that I had an unauthorized person living with me they, Section 8, terminated my assistance," she told 11 News reporter John Sherman. IF YOU HADN'T HAD 5 KIDS, YOU MIGHT NOT NEED THAT ASSISTANCE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Confronted about the bumper sticker, Mahanney said he would not comment.

Sherman: "Your bumper sticker says, 'Can't feed 'em, Don't breed 'em. A lot of the people you deal with did just that. Naikkia Battle said she was offended by that. Could you understand why?"

Mahanney: "I don't do interviews."

Cecil County Delegate Michael Smiegel said he is outraged by what has happened.

"Here you have a mother of five, who's going to school to be a nurse, who's doing everything she can to improve her life, and you'd hope she'd be on the system a short time," he said. "And yet you're going to now complicate it by throwing her and her children out on the street. It makes no sense if you want to use government dollars wisely."

Michael Peters, a disabled man also set to be evicted, is getting help fighting back.

Trey Perkins and Luciene Parsley at the Disability Law Center have taken up his cause. Parsley said all Peters did was forget to fill out a form.

"We've had problems with the housing authority before," Parsley said. "And in my discussions with other housing advocates, it's clear this agency has been a problem in the past."

The Disability Law Center has asked in five different ways for an expanation of Mahanney's actions, Sherman reported, and hasn't had a call returned. When Sherman asked Mahanney about that, Mahanney again repled that he doesn't do interviews.



I understand things happen and sometimes you need help. Been there, done that. But how many years did she pay into the tax system to justify getting that money? I paid in 17 years by working and paying taxes. Then when I lost my job, I only qualified for $100 in food stamps. After paying a hell of a lot more than that in 17 years in taxes. Give me a break. You have people with 5 plus kids living in the low income housing paying little to no rent or utilities, yet they are driving around in Caddys and Lexus'wearing diamonds and gold. See a pattern here?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Adult Store Customers Filmed For YouTube

Customers heading into Secrets Lingerie Boutique in Vacaville are sometimes met by protesters and a sign saying, "Smile, you're on YouTube."Youth pastor Jim White said the protesters gather to film shoppers entering the store because they think Secrets "is a shop that is profiting from pornography and other materials that we feel are degrading to people and exploitative."But local business owner Curt Fargo defended the store, which sells lingerie and gifts in front and adult movies in the back.

"From what I've seen so far, it's no worse than Victoria's Secret, or worse than Hanes Underwear store across the way in the factory stores," he said.

The Vacaville City Council passed a law last week that bans adult businesses. According to a city representative, Secrets is not breaking any laws.But Heather Nelson said the business creates a bad image for Vacaville."I believe Vacaville is a wonderful place to live and to raise a family, but shops like this are going to bring in negative attention," she said.Protest organizers said they haven't posted any video of customers on YouTube, but they plan to.

I find this hilarious. As an adult, married woman who has SEX with her husband, I think these people are annoying. When our adult bookstore opened a few years ago, we had protesters doing similar things. My question is this: do NONE of these "Christians" engage in sex with their spouses? Please. Of course they do. If I want to get nasty with my husband, I will. If I want to buy play toys to enhance that experience, I will. Put me on YouTube. At least I am not afraid to SAY I get naughty naughty with my hunny. Morons, all of them.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Teacher Duct Tapes Kid To Chair

Oakridge, Oregon (KEZI) - A nine-year-old student in Oregon says his teacher taped him to his chair with duct tape. His mother says she wants an explanation.

"I don't want her teaching anymore."

Becky Faile is upset. She says her nine-year-old son, Austin, told her some disturbing news last Wednesday night. "Right before we put Austin to bed he said 'by the way mom, I was taped to my seat today at school' and I was like what? What happened."

Austin told his mom he wasn't obeying his teacher when she asked him to stay seated, so she used wide duct tape to tie Austin to his chair. "She just walked over with a roll of masking tape and tape me down," Austin says.

Becky says her son sat like that for over an hour.

Austin's parents had him tell the story to the superintendent. "He called us he told us he had talked to her she admitted that she did it," says Don Kordosky. "They escorted her off the grounds on Friday. We placed the teacher on paid administrative leave were doing an investigation and we are going to meet with the teacher on Thursday."

Becky says she's worried the teacher will be back to work soon, and Austin is scared to return. "We tried taking him to class and he just started crying, he was really upset just about being left there at all. We didn't realize how emotional he was about it till we tried leaving him at school, so we brought him home."

Kordosky doesn't want to share many details until after the investigation is complete.

As a mother, Becky says she just want Justice served. "If I personally as a parent did that as a child (protective services)would come take the kid out of my house. If I could lose custody of my kid, if that happened in my house, why should a teacher be allowed to do that to a student? And they're gonna give her 10 days of leave and slap her on the hand?"

--------------------------------------------- thoughts on this.
If parents would discipline their kids and teach them respect, teachers would not have to come up with inventive ways to get kid's attention. If the state and local governments would stop telling parents HOW to discipline their kids, MAYBE more parents would start whipping their kids heinies and the little snots would behave.

We didn't act up in school when I was a kid. Whatever punishment the teacher would have given us would have been play time compared to what my dad would have given us. Back then, we respected our teachers. Parents, stop leaving it to the teachers to punish your kids and teach them to mind. If you don't care to discipline them, don't start crying when someone else DOES.

Barak Obama: WHAT did he say?!

My mother emailed this video to me, and I could NOT believe what I was seeing and hearing. Do we REALLY want this man running our country? Watch, and YOU decide.

Obama Video