Thursday, July 17, 2008

Slurs Revisited

Ok. The word of the hour: NIGGER. Say it with me now: NIGGER. NIGGER. NIGGER. I don't really care for the word either, BUT......let's be reasonable here for a minute. This word has been around for years. As has the word honkey, bitch, cunt, slut, etc. Nol matter how you dress it up: nigga, biotch etc, you are still insulting someone. There is nothing cool about being called biotch or nigga. You look stupid and uneducated. Just like when you wear your pants around your hips and show your ass.

So...if you want people to stop calling you NIGGER, BITCH, CUNT, HEIFER, SLUT, HO ETC...STOP CALLING YOURSELF AND YOUR FRIENDS THAT. I don't buy into the whole "only my homies can call met hat" bullshit. It is either a slur or it isn't.


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